Saturday, July 29, 2006

28/07/06 Reds 4 - Blues 4

Reds 4 - Blues 4

Reds Scorers -
MILF Hunter Manchester - 2
Peter Crouch - 1
News Bitch Ribery - 1

Blues Scorers -
"The Body" Bebby - 2
Big Red Steve - 1
Duggie Dug Dug - 1

Special Mentions -
Tea Time Prat - After a long week practicing the newly devised "Tea Time Turn" Brazilian-esque super skill he decided to try it out this friday. Squaring up to BRS, he thought that it was time to unleash his secret weapon (potentially earning a special mention for greatness), however it all went wrong causing humiliation for Tea Time and embaressment for the rest of the Reds. He also nearly had a punch up with "The Body" 2!! Special Mentions.
MILF Hunter Manchester - An afternoon spent in the pub was always gonna spell trouble for the MILF Hunter. In extreme conditions and with a stronge urge to vomit throughout the game he put in a heroes performance, the highlight being a miskick come stepover followed by a left footed drive into the bottom corner.
Peter Crouch - With his fetish for lady tennis players in hotpants exposed, a deseved special mention for top perving.


At 12:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey steve- It think you have messed up the points in the league table with some super maths.


At 10:39 AM, Blogger bigredsteve said...

Oh yeah! Thanks Dan - nice of you to point out my inadequacies (you might wanna add spelling to that as well?!!)

At 12:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you have many inadequacies then Steve?!


At 8:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done Pat for the two mentions - but surely one of them was for a lovely, sharing and caring experience , a tango for two? Why no special mention for his special friend for the evening, TheBebby Boddington?


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