Friday, March 31, 2006

Hello Boys

When I'm alone and in my private place, I like to think of CCMike. I close my eyes and imagine he speaks to me in a soft pink voice: I`m Camp and I`m Canadian, fancy a cuddle? On those long winter nights alone, I sing myself to sleep. I'd like to share the song I sing when I think of CCmike.

Does anyone else have a song they like to sing about CCMike?

~Big Gay Steve

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Player Recommendations

Be sure to check out the new "Player Recommendations" Section.

Any ideas for others? Mail me!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

24/03/06 Reds 6 - Blues 5

Reds 6 - Blues 5

Red Scorers
Ginner Ross - 3
Pervy Jon - 1
Milf Hunter - 1
Big Red Steve - 1

Blue Scorers
Camp Canadian Mike - 3
Dreaded Dan - 2

Special Mentions
Milf Hunter - For unleashing a beast of a shot "TWAT!!!!" and for chipping his nail varnish twice within the space of five minutes. Good work.
Tall Simon - For taking one for the team! No, not in the showers afterwards with monkey boy, but the fantastic gut save from the Camp Canadian`s shot.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Freak of Last Week

He`s possessed!!!!!!!!
This earns a special mention and a new nickname - Yippee!!!!!

Team Photo 17/03/06

From Left to Right :
Back Row - Tall Simon, "The Psycho" Pye, Camp Canadian Mike, Dreaded Dan, No Nickname Heath, Monkey Boy Marsden, "Big Man" Mikele.
Front Row - IABBH Old Steve AKA "The Devil", Cod Piece Carl, Worzel Gummidge, Pervy Ankles Kessen, Peter Crouch, Tea-Time Pat.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

17/03/06 BLUES 6 - REDS 3

Blues Scorers
Crazy Canadian Mike - 5!!!!!
Cod Piece Carl - 1

Reds Scorers
Pervy Ankles Kessen - 2
Tall Simon - 1

Special Mentions -

Crazy Canadian for his five flukey goals - Yawn.

"Big Man" Mikele for being the only blue that did`nt forget to defend.

"The Psycho" Pye for being particularly crap - (information sought from Crazy Canadian Mike)

Friday, March 10, 2006

10/03/06 REDS 4 - BLUES 3

Red Scorers
Big Red Steve - 2
Milf Hunter - 1
Celery Sucker Nick - 1

Blue Scorers
No Nickname Heath - 2
Dreaded Dan - 1

Overall Scorers
Big Red Steve - 6
Dreaded Dan - 4
No Nickname Heath - 3
Pervy Jon - 2
Milf Hunter - 2
Tea Time Pat - 1
Celery Sucker Nick - 1
Pervy Ankles - 1

Special Mentions -

Old Steve - For cheating profusely and denying an obvious handball - please note: nickname now changed to "Its a blue ball Honest" Old Steve

Monkey boy Marsden - For forgetting what team he was on whilst playing in goal.

Overall Mentions-
Dreaded Dan - 1
IABBH Old Steve - 1
Monkey Boy Marsden - 1

Sunday, March 05, 2006

3/3/06 - IT SNOWED

It snowed, it was called off.

In the resulting snowball fight between Dreaded Dan, Crazy Canadian Mike and Big Red Steve, Dreads was the clear victor with both evidence of forward planning (a pre-made arsenal of snowballs) and a clinically executed head shot at the expense of Big Red Steve.

Consequently, Dreaded Dan will recieve the first special weekly mention for either outstanding performance or for just being a bit of a pleb. The scores will be tallied for the chance to win something exciting at the end of the season (a date yet to be decided but will probably be bi-yearly).

Overall Scorers
Big Red Steve - 4
Dreaded Dan - 3
Pervy Jon - 2
Tea Time Pat - 1
No Nickname Heath - 1
Pervy Ankles - 1
Milf Hunter - 1

Overall Mentions
Dreaded Dan - 1